HE had been faithful and merciful unto the children of men and keeping the world in existence till this day is a great prove for that despite increase in sin and disobedience against His Devine commandment.
This Grace can and is only possible through JESUS CHRIST THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD who shed His blood for the redemption of mankind unto GOD.To Him be the Glory,Honour and Adoration forever,Amen.
JESUS HIS CALLING ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO ENJOYS SIN AND IMMORALITIES AND ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS to forsake the evils and return for mercy and forgiveness of their sin.
There is no better to Accept JESUS CHRIST AS LORD AND SAVIOR THAN NOW before it is too late,for it is written " After dearth is Judgement,Hebrews 9:27.
This is why JESUS CHRIST is calling every man unto Himself for anyone who called on the name of the LORD shall be saved.
JESUS CHRIST is the Way,The Truth and The Life no one can come unto the FATHER except through CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD, John14:6 .