Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Taking advantage of the pendemic through internet marketing

 Online Business opportunity awaits

Enjoy Working at home with caution

Making money online should not be an option

You may not need to stay at home doing nothing but you can take advantage of the pandemic period to work right from your home without any stress and still get paid Online.

Many people believe they will not be able to survive staying at home because they have to go in search of work but while you are doing that during this period,you must consider the danger you are putting yourself and loved ones around you into .That is why is better to allow and take advantage of so many opportunities online bit please note that while you are doing that you must also be very careful so that you are not a victim of internet scam and fraud.

Sunday, 8 November 2020


 The call unto repentance is a call of TRUE LOVE for mankind from the Almighty GOD. 

Every who believe in JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD and accept as LORD  AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR shall be saved ..John3:16

GOD'S love for mankind is beyond measure. We sin and disobeyed,yet His love for us never change,only that we come to repentance and be saved from sin and disobedience that can only destroy the eternal soul of any man who die in sin and go to eternal damnation of hellfire.The Almighty GOD does not want anyone to perish but that we come to repentance from sin...Ezekiel 18:23