Monday, 3 September 2018

CHRISTIAN DISCUSS:Groaning Under the Curse


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Genesis 6:5; Romans 8:20-23

Evidence of man’s sinfulness surrounds us. Daily newspapers publish it in their headlines; news programs feature it on the hour; websites make it public domain for all to witness; and it sweeps through the annals of human history. But how did we get into this condition?
Charles Spurgeon once said the slime of Adam’s transgression covers the entire planet. He was right. Nothing is free from the stain of man’s sinfulness. Even the creation itself groans under the strain of God’s curse. The evidence is undeniable—we live among a fallen people on a fallen planet. But how did it get that way? Well that depends on who you ask . . . Here’s John’s answer.
Genesis 3 is one of the most vitally important chapters in all the Bible. It is the foundation of everything that comes after it. Without it, little else in Scripture or in life itself would make sense. Genesis 3explains the condition of the universe and the state of humanity. It explains why the world has so many problems. It explains the human dilemma. It explains why we need a Savior. And it explains what God is doing in history.
In other words, the truth revealed in Genesis 3 is the necessary foundation for a true and accurate world-view. Every world-view that lacks this foundation is utterly and hopelessly wrong.
When God completed His perfect creation, there was no disorder, no chaos, no conflict, no struggle, no pain, no discord, no deterioration, and no death. Yet our lives today are filled with all those things all the time. Frankly, we find it hard to imagine what a perfect world would have been like. Genesis 3 explains how we got from that paradise of unimaginable perfection to where we are today.
Evolution offers no explanation for the human dilemma, much less any solution to it. Why is human existence fraught with so many moral and spiritual problems? Evolution will never be able to answer that question. In fact, pure naturalistic evolution cannot account for anything that is moral or spiritual.
Yet we are clearly moral and spiritual creatures, and we all know this. The concepts of good and evil are innate in the human psyche. (Even the most atheistic evolutionists have consciences.) We know from bitter experience that we cannot keep ourselves from evil. We find the pull of sin irresistible. We cannot do everything we know we ought to do. Worse, we cannot reform ourselves. Evolution offers no explanation for this dilemma and no hope for a solution.
Instead, the doctrine of evolution (if followed consistently) ends with a denial of the reality of evil. If naturalistic evolution is correct and there is no God, neither can there be any inviolable moral principles that govern the universe. And therefore there is no moral accountability of any kind. In fact, if evolution is true, things are the way they are by sheer chance, for no transcendent reason. Nothing under such a system could ever have any real moral significance. The very notions of good and evil would be meaningless concepts. There would be no reason to condemn a Hitler or applaud a Good Samaritan.
Who wired us to distinguish between good and evil? Where did the human conscience come from? And why is human nature universally drawn to evil? Evolutionists are clueless.
Genesis 3 answers that question with clarity and simplicity. Our first ancestor, Adam, deliberately disobeyed God. Somehow his sin defiled the whole race, and now every one of his natural offspring has inherited a love for sin and a contempt for true righteousness. And this manifests itself in our behavior.
Because of Adam’s sin, creation was tainted and cursed. Romans 8:20-22 says, "The creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now." In other words, because of sin, no part of creation now exists as God originally made it. It "was subjected to futility," meaning that it was rendered unable to achieve the purpose for which it was originally designed. It was spoiled—defiled by sin, and thus subject to God's curse instead of His blessing. It was enslaved to corruption and placed in bondage to the debasing effects of sin—including decay, degradation, and death. All creation now "groans and labors with birth pangs"—picturesque language depicting the suffering and pain caused by sin's defilement. All these things, according to Scripture, are the effects of Adam's disobedience.
This clearly argues against evolution. If God used evolutionary processes or "natural selection" to create the world in the first place, then death, decay, mutation, and corruption were part of creation from the beginning. If death and natural selection were part of the means God used to create the world, then nothing was actually created perfect; everything had defects built in. But Scripture plainly attributes all such things to Adam's sin. They are the consequences of the curse that came after that first act of disobedience.
And deliverance from this state will not come from any process of evolution, either. In fact, the whole of creation—including the human race—is now subject to a kind ofdevolution, which no amount of education, enlightenment, environmentalism, psychology, civilization, or technology will ever be able to reverse. What is needed isredemption (Romans 8:23).
The remainder of Genesis is filled with evidence of humanity's downward spiral into utter moral degradation. Genesis 3 is the turning point. Before that, God looked at creation and pronounced everything "very good" (Genesis 1:31). But after Genesis 3, all human history has been colored by that which is very bad. (And the only exceptions are examples of God's redemptive work; they are not examples of human nobility.)
Genesis 4 records the first murder, a case of fratricide. Genesis 4:19 contains the first mention of polygamy. Verse 23 tells of another act of murder. And from there the human race declines so grievously that by Genesis 6:5, "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." So God destroyed the entire race, except for one family.
Genesis also records the beginnings of such evils as homosexuality (Genesis 19:1-5); incest (Genesis 19:30-38); idolatry (Genesis 31:30-35); rape (Genesis 34:1-2); mass murder (Genesis 34:25-29); harlotry (Genesis 38:14-19); and numerous other forms of wickedness.
All of this stemmed from Adam's one act of disobedience (Romans 5:19). Adam's sin poisoned not only his offspring, but also the rest of creation. How did this evil come about? Again, only Genesis 3 gives a clear answer. The only remaining question is: Will you believe it?

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Functional components and medicinal properties of food: a review

Research has proved a relationship between functional components of food, health and well-being. Thus, functional components of food can be effectively applied in the treatment and prevention of diseases. They act simultaneously at different or identical target sites with the potential to impart physiological benefits and promotion of wellbeing including reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, inflammation, type II diabetes, and other chronic degenerative diseases, lowering of blood cholesterol, neutralization of reactive oxygen species and charged radicals, anticarcinogenic effect, low-glycaemic response, etc. Previously, it was thought that functional ingredients such as non-starchy carbohydrates including soluble and insoluble dietary fibres, fucoidan; antioxidants including polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols, isoflavones, organosulphur compounds; plant sterols and soy phytoestrogens occur only in plant foods (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) as phytochemicals. However, probiotics, prebiotics, conjugated linolenic acid, long-chain omega-3, −6 and −9-polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive peptides have proved that functional components are equally available in animal products such as milk, fermented milk products and cold-water fish. The way a food is processed affects its functional components. Many processing techniques have been found to lower the concentration of functional components in food. Conversely, other techniques were found to increase them. Hence, in a time when the role of a healthy diet in preventing non-communicable diseases is well accepted, the borderline between food and medicine is becoming very thin.
Keywords: Biomolecules, Foods, Functional, Medicine, Physiological, Phytochemicals

Friday, 23 March 2018


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Many people are ignorant of the impact of the food they take into the body.It is important to know that the body is in need of meals that can improve and promote health.
Many have taken food that become poison to the body for lack of care for the body,it is important to know that the body needs nutrient and that balancing the body's food diet is an essential thing.
When the body calls for you to eat,you should not hesitate.lack intake of food as appropriate could lead to ulcer which is disatsfactory to your body's health,avoid food poisoning by making sure every food you eat is well cooked and preserved.if need to eat whatever fruit,it more adviceable it is thoroughly washed.
It is important to treat the body so special with what you eat or drink at any specific time.

Saturday, 17 March 2018



Way out of distress and anxiety
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The world today is becoming a better place for Entrepreneurs,as someone who is looking for ways to make money online and to be one of those that will be making money online is not far away.
You can start making alot of money by being patient on how you can make money online,dont be eager to make money online so you are not taken advantage of in making money on internet.
After a lot of patience,you can make money and wait as your money grow steadily without you being too hasty about it .

Sunday, 18 February 2018


It's a question of where one stand ,who you stand with.The greatest achievement is to stand with GOD in this World.God all of us but he hate sinners unwilling and not ready for repentance,For GOD is calling unto every man to come into repentance.There is always no better to accept JESUS CHRIST the Maker of all things as LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR than  now.If you stand with GOD the ALMIGHTY ,you will have eternal Life , standing with GOD is doing WILL and obedient to HIS Commandment.There is no achievement in Life that is greater than being Obedient to the Almighty God and accepting HIS only begotten Son as LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR.JESUS LOVES YOU!
Deuteronomy 28:1-28 John 3:16

Sunday, 21 January 2018



Human being might have been given the priviledge of choices,to take decisions that based on his own believe or conviction,choices to choose the direction he or she wishes to take in life.One we see this gift of choice as freedom,free-will e.t.c.
The ability to choose,a choice not even given to God's Angel because they must follow GOD'S OWN INSTRUCTIONS.The case of man might have been different as choice and free-will though permitted for man but God's law for man still stand sure as man will one day stand before God for jugement whether he or she as kept the Commandment of God or chose his or her own will.
JESUS CHRIST had always been willing to save a sinner who repent and sin no more.He calls anyone who come to Him and will never be cast out.The only way to escape the judgement of God is to confess JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR and HE will save your soul.No one and absolutely no one can come unto GOD except through JESUS CHRIST, the One who died and shed HIS Blood for the remission of all sin that through HIM anyone who confesses his or her sin and do them no more might be a new born person as Child of God and be saved.
God Bless as you give your Life To JESUS CHRIST.

Thursday, 4 January 2018


A balance diet is one that helps to maintain or improve the overall health.A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition fluid,adequate amino-acid from protein,essential fatty-acid,minerals,vitamins,anti-oxidant,fibre and adequate calories.The requirement for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods,although a non-animal source of vitamin B12 is needed for those following a vegan diet.A healthy diet supports energy needs and provides for human nutrition without exposure to toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming more calories than the body requires.
A healthy balance diet in addition to exercise is thought to be important for lowering health risk  such as obesity,hearth disease,type 2 diabetes,hypertension and cancer.Various guide are made available by health professional on what to be eating in order to promote healthy life

Wednesday, 3 January 2018


Most people if not all wants to succeed in life,there is no doubt success is everyone's aim.We want to achieve or goal to become relevant,special,or even important.But a person who wishes self for success must be willing to get it irrespective of what it takes like Vision,Hard-work,Focus,Humility and Love e.t.c.
You should know that what stated above means that you dont want to succeed for your own benefits alone but for other people around you far and near.All to do is know what you want,work on it and it can be archieved.
The reason people fail is because they fear to take action to success which being scared of failure and ending up failing,always make sure you soar higher than all obstacles in life.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Victory can be Guaranteed

You must understand that there is no amount of difficulties or challenges that can not be overcomed in life .Also there is need to know that someone somewhere had gone through whatever you now go through and making his or terrible past a testimony .
You must soar higher and ahead of all you see as challenges today because you have no reason to fail.
You can only have what you permit so you must agree on taking charge of your own life and destiny to succeed in life.
This where you need God to direct you and grant you wisdom and devine backing to become blessing for your generation.Your closeness with God is the most important thing in this world as without Him and His leading,your accomplishment may be easily challenged than you thought.

Health Effect

Healthy life can have much impact in the day to day activities of individual .The effect of a healthy living is enermous as all human activities are carried out effectively,either at home or in the working place .
It is important to note that the food intake into the body system can also determine how the body function for a good health,this is the reason one must be able to give the body a balance nutrient that can build the body system effectively.
One must do away with food that can harm the body system like unripe fruits,food not well cooked e.t.c. so as to avoid problems in the body .
Whatever you eat must be well prepared and observe .The best way had always been to know how your body react to anything you eat and how it helps your body .


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Most of us encounter aggressive,intimidating or controlling personality at some point point in life.These individual may exist in our personality sphere or environment,On the surface they may come across as domineering,confrontational,demanding,abusive and hostile,However with intelligent communication,you may turn aggression into cooperation and condescension into respect.

One of the most common characteristics about aggressive,intimidating and controlling individuals that is that they deliberately like to upset you in order to push your buttons,pull your strings and keep you off balance.By doing so,they create advantage over you from which they can exploit your weakness